Friday, September 9, 2011

In the moment

So a few years ago, I made some goals for myself - all of them career and finance related.  I was convinced that if I had a specific title at work, or made a certain salary, that I would be happier.  Well, in November of last year (2010), I had reached many of the goals I had set out for myself - great job, amazing pay, even the title to boot.  What I began to realize though, was that I wasn’t any happier.  In fact, I was miserable.  I felt like I had signed away my life and was spending less time doing the things I actually love (practicing yoga, hanging with my puppy, being creative).  We’re all built differently, some people enjoy working 80 hours a week, enjoy climbing the corporate ladder, not me.  A few things became clear to me:
1) My job does not define me
2) I was not happy and was certainly not putting forth my best effort at work.  I don’t feel good about not putting my best effort forward into everything I do, so as you can imagine, this became a vicious cycle
3) I am blessed and have the ability to do or become anything I want to in this life
I believe #3 was the most important.  While I was unhappy, I managed to remain in gratitude for the situation I was in.  See, I come from humble beginnings.  I realized, that even though I was unhappy, my situation was better than most.  I have everything I need.  Heck, I have everything I want (materially at least).  So, a clear cross roads presented itself:  I could stay in my current situation and continue to be unhappy or I could make a change.  As you can probably guess, I decided to do exactly what my heart was telling me to do; quit your job, pursue your dreams.
So essentially, this blog is dedicated to my journey.  On August 27th, I kick off a 4 month journey that will take me to the following destinations: Burning Man, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand.  I will also be working towards my yoga teacher certification (that process started in May), which takes place in Koh Samui, Thailand.
This blog is mostly for me, but it is also a place for me to share my journey and experience with my loved ones.

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